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Assigning roles, downloads
and missing materials

On this page, you can easily organize the casting for the murder mystery dinner "Alpine Hotel". Select the number of players in order to receive the links leading to the starting information for your guests, which you can simply copy.

Send the links before the game to your guests via email, WhatsApp, or Facebook. The links will lead to a PDF document with the starting information for the roles. This information will help your guests prepare for the game and contains:

  • An invitation with a short description of the case
  • Background information about the role, including whether you are the murderer or not
  • Information about the other suspects
  • Tips on how to play the role and suggestions for costumes

Your guests do not need to print these out or bring them with them, as the starting information is also included in the character booklets themselves.

You can download the missing materials further down the page.

Download invitations and role description

Warning Bild

Important. This starting information tells you
if you are the murderer or not.

Make sure that each guest gets the correct link for their role and that you only open your own role!

We have secured access to the links containing the role information with a password so that no one accidentally gets spoilers. Don't worry, your guests don't have to enter a password to read it!

The password is on page 2 in your host booklet.

Warning Bild

Get comfortable and win!

We'll email you all the links directly. You'll get the starting information for your guests, name tags and playlist conveniently delivered to your inbox. Best of all, as a newsletter subscriber, you'll be the first to know when we release a new game and you can automatically win one!

Are you missing materials?

You can download them here. The download is limited to three documents per person.
Please contact us at if you need more than three documents.

The password is on page 2 in your host booklet.

Name tags

Here you will find the name tags to print out.

Matching music for the murder mystery dinner

Here you can find the link to the Spotify playlist with jazzy sounds, suitable for an exclusive charity event.


Here you will find our suggestion for a 3-course menu.